Thursday, June 11, 2020

Can You Abolish the Electoral College

Can You Abolish the Electoral College?Can you abolish the electoral college? I'll try to answer this question here:Let's look at the issue. Let's have a closer look at it and see what is at stake. Let's be clear about something, the issue of abolishing the electoral college or eliminating it as a primary issue. The question we are asking here is can you abolish the electoral college?To be frank, there is no issue. There is absolutely no political issue in this case. There is nothing that is controversial about this particular question. The issue of abolishing the electoral college is a purely internal matter. It is not even an issue that is worth discussing.You will have heard the question used by political pundits all the time and politicians who claim to be independent when it comes to issues relating to presidential elections. But the fact remains, the issue of abolishing the electoral college is completely ridiculous. We are talking about a system which has served us for almost a century now. Now you can see why the Electoral College works.The Founders had the best interests of the country at heart, they didn't want there to be any thing called democracy. They did not want people to be able to stand up and take the office of president for granted. So they laid down a series of rules and regulations for the election of the President. They had the best interests of the country in mind. That is why they chose the electoral college system.It was only later on that the issue of democratization started to get discussed. The Founding Fathers, the American founders, they weren't all about democratization. They wanted to maintain the position of the popular vote and thus preserve the democratic principles they were trying to promote.That is the best way to keep the people in check. People get so used to democratic government that they forget the responsibilities and the authority that they have. But the fact remains, we must have those authorities exercised well. Th at is why the Founders chose the electoral college system.People used to discuss the issue of abolishing the electoral college all the time, we have heard that question repeatedly and used to use that topic to criticize politicians and other people who use the issue to attack other people. But the fact remains, the issue of abolishing the electoral college is just a non-issue.

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